Tag Archives: angler fish

Animals that glow!


There are some pretty amazing animals out there! Do you remember when Garth and Bev had fireflies help them light the cave so that everyone in Ballybeg could see the cave drawings?

Well fireflies are not the only animals that can glow in the dark there’s also the angler fish and the flashlight fish, plus many more!

Why do these animals glow?



The firefly glows as a way to attract a mate (a boyfriend or girlfriend). Usually they’ll glow yellow, red or green, so when there are lots of fireflies around it looks like Christmas!

angler fish

angler fish

The angler fish isn’t as nice as the firefly, they have a rod coming out of their head with a light at the end that attracts other animals, so that they can eat them! Have you seen ‘Finding Nemo’? an angler fish in that movie tries to eat Nemo and Dory!

flashlight fish

flashlight fish

The flashlight fish is a lot nicer then the angler fish. Flashlight fish are very small, with light organs by their eyes that act like torches. That way the fish can see where he’s going in the dark ocean!

Did you know?

Fireflies are not flies at all, they come from the beetle family!