Around Ballybeg

We live in Ballybeg Village. It is a great place to play, explore and learn a lot of things about nature and science. Ballybeg is right beside the sea side. If you click on these small images you’ll get the big ones appearing.

Welcome to Ballybeg Garth and Bev live in Ballybeg

Why Ballybeg is Special

Ballybeg is a special kind of village called a Crannóg. Grandfather Lir says Crannóg is an island village that sits in the middle of a river. Our village is connected to the mainland by a long wooden bridge and it is guarded at its only entrance by a watchtower and Dermot the Watchman. Dermot tells us when strangers (and friends) are approaching. There’s also a wood and mud wall around it to protect us too.

The big stone in the centre of the village is a sacred Megalith stone. This is where all the grown ups have their market days, where people sell things from fish to cheese to even baskets.
Market Day in BallybegThe watchtower

Around the Village

Look at the pictures to see where all our friends and family live. Can you find our hut? I’ll give you a hint. It’s beside Fiann’s hut. Can you see it?

Elva's HutSkelly's Anvil and BellowsThis is our hut and the meeting house in Ballybeg Hoyt's Hutt and Pottery

Grandfather Lir’s Cave

Grandfather Lir is a great druid and he lives just outside our village in a cave on the beach. We love to visit him! He helps us discover new things, especially in nature and sometimes we get to go in the time spiral to visit another time and place!

On the beach you can see Grandfather Lir's Cave! Inside Grandfather Lir's Cave

Elva’s Fogou

Elva makes amazing cheeses and sells them in the Ballybeg market. To be a cheese maker you have to have somewhere to store the cheese. The cave where Elva stores her cheese is called a fogou. (You say it like foo-goo!)
Elva's Fogou EntranceElva's Fogou in Ballybeg

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